Ashton Ashton

5 Reasons Why You Need an Home Family Session | Denver, Colorado | Anchorage, Alaska

No session I offer is slept on more than the in home family session. Everyone wants those outdoor sessions and yes, they’re beautiful, but there’s also so much benefit when choosing to do these in your home instead! I’m about to lay out the why’s and maybe, just maybe, I can convince one of you to let me document all the cuddles in your happy place.

1.) Kids are more comfortable.

I think most parents are worried about how their little is going to act during their outdoor session and if they’re paying for something that’s going to end up a disaster (of tears). While I can count on one hand with how many times that’s happened during my sessions, I will say being in your home makes everything 1000x more relaxed for your kids. This is their space and they feel safe here, which allows them to get comfortable with having their pictures taken much quicker.

2.) You get to showcase your personalities.

Do I love outdoor sessions? Of course I do! BUT there is something a little cookie cutter about them, y’know? Other than your clothes, there isn’t too much that sets them apart from all the rest. Your home is YOU. An in home session allows me to really document who you and your family are, making your session unique and 100% yours.

3.) It doesn’t matter if the weather is garbage.

A huge issue I have (especially living in Alaska) with outdoor sessions is some years it’s really rainy and I’m rescheduling everyone over and over. Who wants to be sopping wet during their shoot? Not me, or you I’m guessing. If we’re shooting in your home it doesn’t really matter if it’s pouring, snowing, cold, hot, we’re cozy indoors.

4.) Your pets can be included.

I don’t know about you guys but my animals are family. You can bring your doggo to any outdoor session (please do) , but sometimes it’s very stressful handling a dog AND kids. Some dogs also don’t do well out and about so they have to stay home. I’ve also yet to have someone bring their cat to an outdoor session, haha. An in home session allows you to include your fur babies and it gives us more content for your gallery. Who doesn’t want cuddly pictures of their kids loving on their dog/cat/any animal you have?

5.) I come to you!

This one seems very obvious don’t have to leave your home and that’s kind of the best part. Chasing kids to get them out the door on time is so stressful. If I’m photographing you in your home, you’ve got much more time to get everyone ready and there’s no worry about being late. I come to you!

If you really want outdoors included in your session, hybrid sessions are a thing. We can do half your session indoors and the other half in your backyard or a nearby park. You can have it all!

Interested in booking your own session? I’m available in Alaska until October 1st and I’m booking for Colorado starting November 1st.

Save $350 off my largest package (the one that includes everything) by using the code ALASKA at checkout. This is only good until July 1st, so go get it! Denver folks, you can use this, too.

Hit that button below to book!

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